Michael Grieves, DBA (MGT ’00), published a paper titled Digital Twin Certified: Employing Virtual Testing of Digital Twins in Manufacturing to Ensure Quality Products.
Grieves, DBA (MGT '00), is joined by Wyatt Newman, a Case Western Reserve University Professor Emeritus from the School of Engineering on The Feudal Future Podcast to discuss how technology is affecting the middle class in the manufacturing space.
Daniel Cohen, PhD (MGT ’03), (GRS '16, management), Dan K Hsu, and Rachel Shinnar published an article in the Journal of Small Business Management Beyond Educating Students about Business Failure: The Role of Optimism Training and Hope. It is an experiment on learned optimism and how it helps nascent entrepreneurs cope with failure and build resilience.
Joe Mandato, DBA (MGT '04), published his latest, action-packed entrepreneurship and investing story, "Pivot. Pivot. Pivot. Exit!--Driving toward investment returns." You can read it here.
Kathy Overbeke, DBA (MGT '09), Stacy Feiner, Rachel Wallis Andreasson and Jack Harris launched a book in November The Sixth Level, a powerful model for leaders and a collection of inspiring narratives.
Joann Farrell Quinn, PhD (GRS '13, management), Nikita Khalid, Glenn Albright published an article on the Validity of a medical professional-patient communication scale in the Frontiers Journal.
Adrian Wolfberg, PhD (GRS ’14, management), published four original, peer-reviewed research studies in the past two years continuing with the national security population used since graduation:
- Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in the Intelligence Community: A Systematic Review of the Literature
- In the Face of Ambiguity: How Intelligence Analysts Experience Threats to Rigor
- Rethinking Time: Adopting a Mindset for Interpreting Threats and Imagining Opportunities
- Helping Intelligence Analysts Gain Insight
Wolfberg has also expanded into new territory by using qualitative, phenomenological methods into sports science, primarily soccer and rugby, co-authoring an editorial, Reflecting on the Past to Improve the Future: Introducing ‘Action After Reviews’ into Sport, and an original, peer-reviewed research study, A Qualitative Study of 11 World-Class Team-Sport Athletes’ Experience Answering Subjective Questionnaires: A Key Ingredient for ‘Visible’ Health and Performance Monitoring?
His current work includes submitting a qualitative study using the national security population as samples for a peer-reviewed publication called “Confronting Ambiguity: The Choices and Dilemmas Intelligence Analysts Face,” and co-authoring three in-progress original studies destined for peer-reviewed journals using professional sports scientists, players, and coaches as samples, (1) how players react to pressure on the field, (2) how sports scientists gain insight while supporting elite sport athletes, and (3) how professional sport coaches consume and triage information they receive from various sources.
Suad Dukhaykh, PhD (GRS ‘19, management), recently published a paper in psychological research and behavior management journal. The results of this study showed that work-family conflict, family-work conflict have an adverse impact on emotional exhaustion and eventually reduce employees job embeddedness. Here’s the link to the paper.
Donna Iucolano, PhD (GRS '19, management), recently presented three (3) papers at a session on Business Education: Capstone/Experiential Education at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Northeast Business & Economic Association (NBEA), held on October 26-28, 2023 in Lafayette Hill, PA. Once the conference proceedings have been published, the links and papers will be available on her Malloy University faculty profile and research page.
- Rebounding After Loss: A Nonprofit Organization’s Recovery After the Untimely Death of Its Founder (Fall 2022 undergraduate Capstone)
- Expanding Respite Care Services to Meet Demand and Increase Organizational Competitiveness (Spring 2023 undergraduate Capstone)
- Building Nonprofit Capabilities to Continue Growing After Starting with COVID-Driven Demand (Spring 2023 MBA Capstone)
Angel Lopez Mutuberria, DM (MGT '20), published his qualitative study How People Maneuver Through Work, Life, and the Self to Find Spaces for Life Meaning (Chapter 12) in Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management, Volume 2.
Lopez Mutuberria participated in the International Conference on Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management in which he presented his qualitative research on life meaning in professionals.
Larry Clay Jr., PhD (GRS '21, management), published a chapter titled Sustainable Flourishing in Cities and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Developing a Path Through Appreciative Inquiry and SOAR Framework for Increasing Innovative Capacity and Resilience in Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management, Volume 2. This book presents organizational perspectives of conscious-based leadership, examining topics related to flow, work-life balance, and sustainability.
Ezekiel Bonillas, DM (MGT '22), Rosanna Garcia and Kristin Burton published Re-Conceptualizing Underrepresented Racial Minority Entrepreneurs in Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship.
Michael C. Bellissimo, PhD (GRS '23, management), has a book publishing deal in the works with De Gruyter (Berlin, Boston) to bring his dissertation to life. It is tentatively titled: "Extreme Leadership: Lessons Learned From Global Crises.”
Ivory J. Simms, PhD (GRS '23, management), presented a paper on "Produce for Sale: Examining The Effects of Hunger-Relief on Low-Income Consumer Purchase Behavior" at the 52nd Association For Research On Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) 2023 Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 2023.
Mekobe Ajebe, (PhD Student), study titled 'Statistical Forecasts on Africa’s Energy Consumption, Population with Access, and GHG Emissions,' was published in 'The International Journal of Strategic Energy & Environmental Planning.'
Ajebe also published his second study titled Elusive trade-off: The Solution to energy poverty and GHG emissions in Africa in the Science Direct Journal.
Jane Day, (PhD Student), shared invaluable insights from her latest research on the Utah Sustainable Business Coalition (USBC) webinar. Her research focuses on strategies to promote well-being and wholehearted engagement when employees and leadership are well-informed about the purpose and impact of sustainability endeavors, and invited into the co-creation and execution of these initiatives.
Reid Tileston, (DBA student), Reid’s submission in the Emerging Research track has been accepted for presentation at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) 2024 and he has been invited to present his work at the USASBE 2024: Forging the Future Together conference in Birmingham, Alabama.
Tileston will be teaching the January Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition for Executives (ETA) class being taught through Executive Education at Case Western Reserve University.