We love recognizing our accomplished DBA/DM/PhD alumni and current students and their presentations and publications that have occurred since the last release of the DM Digest. The list is impressive!
Kathy Overbeke, DBA (MGT '09) and Feiner, S. published an article in Psychology Today on "Invisible Daughters in Family Businesses."
Ann Kowal Smith, DM (MGT '10) Jaussen, C. and Nestor, K. published a paper in the Journal of Industry and Higher Education titled "The seminar goes to work: Towards a theory of collaborative literacy."
Mariana Amatullo, PhD (GRS '15, management) got promoted to Vice Provost and Academic Dean, Continuing and Professional Education. Here’s the link to Mariana’s interview that was nicely captured by Business Chief Magazine. The November digital edition of the Business Chief magazine can be read here.
Ted Ladd, PhD (GRS '16, management) Released a new book, Innovating With Impact, published by the Economist. Also, Ted Published a video-only case at the Case Centre (its first video-only case).
Jimeka Holloway, PhD (GRS '17, management) shares her personal experience and insight on the final episode of the Rethink Community Podcast "Build Together Through Perseverance."
Jennifer Nash (GRS '18, management) published a new book, be human, lead human. Read Jennifer’s bio here.
Avi Turetsky, PhD (GRS '18, management) Keywork, N. and Griffiths, B. published an article in the Journal of Portfolio Management. Time-Zero Direct Alpha: Investment-Level Calculations for Improved Skill Evaluation | Portfolio Management Research (pm-research.com)
Yolonda Freeman-Hildreth, PhD (GRS '19, management) is proud to be a contributor to this new book that will aid PAs and students through the initial and re-certification process. Check out the link to Yolonda’s book here.
Rob Warren, DM (MGT '19) published an article with Tim Fogarty and Philip Cola in the Journal of Tax Administration on "Mission Creep from within at the IRS: Why Criminal Investigator Special Agents will not Shrink the Tax Gap."
Rob (MGT '19) along with Tim Forgarty had an article in the Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting (JFIA) “Exploring Embezzlement by Catholic Priests in the United States: A Content Analysis of Cases Since 1963”
Dan Docherty, PhD (GRS '20, management) President of Braintrust, will be presenting at The Alexandria At Torrey Pines as part of the upcoming La Jolla Excellence event hosted by Authenica taking place on March 13-14. He also had the opportunity to speak at Tier1's annual ExLearn Conference at Great American Ballpark.
Alexis Rittenberger (GRS '21, management) published a chapter in SAGE Business Foundations in June on "The Social Construction of Leadership."
Redda Ben Geloune (PhD student) published two papers in Les Inspirations ECO on AI & Ethics titled “Artificial Intelligence: a comprehensive understanding of potential biases” and another paper on AI business opportunities and challenges titled “Artificial Intelligence: An opportunity for Africa to leapfrog other continent.”
Brian Moran (PhD student) co-authored a chapter in a book called: Innovation and Behavioral Strategy. It's among a series called: Research in Behavioral Strategy. Here's the link. Brian’s chapter is the first one, and it's called: Inspired Teams: Building a Holding Environment to Catalyze Innovation.
Roman Terekhin (PhD student) presented a paper on What Makes Workplace Peer Coaching Groups Effective for Individual Development at the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2023 in Dublin, Ireland June, 2023.
Terekhin presented a paper on How Workplace Peer Coaching Groups Connect Employees and Facilitate their Development at the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference in Cagliari, Italy July, 06 2023.
Carl Watson, (PhD student) co-authored a chapter in the book, “Management Consulting in the Era of the Digital Organization”, edited by David Szabla. Consulting Under Conditions of Uncertainty: Microsoft’s Journey Toward Digitalization, is the title of the chapter written with co-authors Chris Worley (Pepperdine University) and Bill Pasmore (Teachers College Columbia University).